Saturday, May 28, 2011

Galveston, oh Galveston

Hello everyone,

We are still here in the Houston area ..... still doing Doctor's appointments and followups ..... I guess it must be the age we have reached (it just takes longer for the repairs and "tune ups").

Charlie had shoulder surgery and is getting 4 weeks of physical therapy here in Galveston.
Marilyn is having dental surgery next Friday.
Vera is trying to fine-tune her blood pressure fluctuations.
Toby had a cancerous cyst removed and is doing fine.
Other than that, yes, Mrs. Lincoln, we are enjoying the play.   Galveston is a great place to recuperate. We have a camping spot near the water, and are enjoying doing 'nothing'.

Our dogs were excited to get back to a place they know.  You can tell they recognize the scents of a lot of places.  They have done very well adjusting to having a home on wheels. We don't worry about them running off because they know that the house moves and they want to be IN it.
Also, they are adjusting to the sounds of campgrounds as being normal.  At first they barked at doors closing, people's voices outside, etc.; but now they are mostly adjusted I think.

 I have the good fortune to be able to take additional watercolor lessons while I'm here in Galveston; what fun !  And, we went to the Seawall and bought our destination tee shirts from Galveston. Our friends here have noticed our new "vacation look" is brightly colored (as in neon colors) tee shirts and sandals.... it IS nice to be retired !  (I'm adjusting quite well).

Looks like we may not leave here until approx. June 18th (about 3 more weeks).
Our next destination is "The Northwest".  Details are not clear yet (we will only have about two and a half months before Vera's next cruise); but we wanted to go to Yellowstone and points in between, and be back in Albuquerque for the baloon festival in mid-October.

I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Doesn't take long to feel right back 'at home' in Houston.  Wonderful friends have been missed greatly on the road !   Wish we could take a bunch of you along with us !

We start our scheduled medical appointments Monday, so we'll be here at least a week and a half, then go to Galveston for some time.

One thing I've noticed these two days we've been here:  the traffic moves a zillion times faster than anywhere else we've been.  People will flat run you over if you don't go fast (as in faster than the speed limits).  Then again, could it be that I've just fully embraced retirement and the slower paced life already .... or is it age? :(
Our favorite saying lately is "my memory is good - it's just short!"
