Sunday, July 13, 2014

Mountainside report

We've been working mostly 4 days (4 hour shifts) per week, with 3 days to run, play and explore:
We've been on several hikes, and Charlie has gone on a river kayaking trip.  I've been watercoloring a lot .... and Vera has taken up a new hobby.... stained glass!  She is currently taking a class at the local community college, and has made a couple of really nice pieces.
This is her 'studio':


which reminds me to mention our deck .... which we are very proud of

The dog ramp was the original reason for the whole thing.... but then it grew.... and grew. but it surely makes our lives easier.  There is the longer "permanent" ramp, which gets Bugsy up to the bottom of the door level.  Then there is the shorter 'moveable' ramp (seen at the right corner of the deck), which we pull over, open the door and set it to go up/down the last two big steps inside the motorhome.
Actually, most of the time we still lift Bugsy up the last two, but that is still much easier.

The interesting thing about the whole thing is that it "theoretically" comes apart in sections so that we can take it with us to the next long term location. But it is unknown if the step section will actually fit in the back of the car ...... also, the unknown weight is .... well, unknown!  :-)

I am including another picture of the valley at the bottom of "our" mountain.  Note the everpresent rising mist .... think temperate rainforest.

I promise some hiking pictures next.
Later, Marilyn