Thursday, October 16, 2014


Our home on wheels has a metal roof (or maybe fiberglass, or....) anyway, when ANYthing falls on the roof, it sounds really loud.
Now think acorns (very big acorns), falling..... all nite long..... for weeks! 
We have been parked in this one spot since April, under many very big, very tall trees.  We did not, however, pay too much attention to what kind of trees.  But for several weeks now we have been bombarded with acorns (very big acorns).   Fourteen thousand and forty one, fourteen thousand and forty two, .......   the ground all around our campsite is a carpet of acorns.  Sometimes if the wind is blowing at nite, we get awakened a lot by showers of "pops".
Enough.... you get the idea.

Vera is still in NY, her sister Donna is in rehab.  Her prognosis for independent living is not realistic.
So, their other sister Susie, and Vera are slowly weeding their way through the necessary and inevitable things that need to be addressed.
Really reminds us of the uncertainty of tomorrows.

Meanwhile Charlie and I are doing our best to make Vera proud: we "usually" vacuum twice a week, wash dishes "most" every day..... and are really good at cooking from the microwave.  Oh well.... but we really do miss her !

We made a day trip with some friends, down into northern Georgia..... beautiful trip. Problem is my camera is in the shop for repair so I've been taking pictures with my phone.... but have not the foggiest idea how to get them into this blog.  I'll work on it.

We are scheduled to leave here on Nov. 2nd and travel eastward maybe to the coast for some time, then northward to pick up Vera at some point..... back to Houston by Dec. 1st.  I would like to "do DC" and see all the new memorials. Also I understand there is an earthscape portrait being installed on the Mall...several acres.... different colors of dirt... should be interesting.

Pictures next time
Later, Marilyn

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Burlington, Vermont

Long story short:  Vera's younger sister had a major stroke, and Vera and I drove to Burlington to stay with her in the hospital. When she was released to a rehab. facility, they transferred her to Binghamton, NY, to be close to their other sister.  Vera stayed there and I drove back to North Carolina to complete my Work Camping obligations.  So it's just Charlie and I in the motorhome now, without our cook  :(   Vera's sister Donna is progressing, slowly.

About the best thing that came from the 10 days in Burlington was the beautiful sunsets across Lake Champlain from the 6th floor of the hospital:

On the way back to NC thru Virginia, I took a detour along part of the Skyline Drive, which is the northern end of the Blue Ridge Parkway:

We live in an incredibly beautiful world, don't you agree?

Later, Marilyn