Monday, May 30, 2016

Pennsylvania reunion

Vera attended her 60th high school reunion this weekend, here in Troy, Pennsylvania.  The same school building she attended (as well as her mother) is still being used as the high school today. It is designated as an Historical Building.  Vera said she will not be going to the next reunion (not a reference to her health).... but, she said: "there was just a bunch of old people there". :-)

They now have a new elementary, a middle school, and many new additions to the high school building. They will graduate 105 seniors this year...... in 1956 they graduated 96.  The town population is officially 1004, but the students are bussed from the farms and small communities for miles around.  A little bit of trivia for you that I thought was interesting.

This is rolling farmland, very beautiful. We stayed at the County Fairgrounds, where they have a small campground..... also the community swimming pool, the football stadium, and just about every other major activity occurs here on "the fair grounds".

Tomorrow we are off to Owego, NY, to see Vera's two sisters.
The weather here has been just ideal; but I hear Houston is not doing well just now.
We don't get reliable internet anymore, something is wrong with our "autonet" system which served us so reliably for the past 5 1/2 years.

By the way, Charlie is not with us for the month of June. She is staying in Fletcher, NC to help a friend who is having major health issues. (but we have her dog Boo Boo with us).
More info when we get settled in NY. We will be there for a month.

Saturday, May 7, 2016


Fletcher, NC, near the Blue Ridges !
Going to the grocery store....mountains
Going to Lowe's....mountains
Going to the YMCA...... thru the mountains
you get the idea.

Passed by a roadside stand with a sign that said: Local Strawberries
picked this morning, brought to the market by the lady who grew them and picked them....this morning!
The fields behind Ingles Food Market are already being planted and worked for the crops you will see the next few months on the shelves.
when they say local....they mean it.
And Kroger, in Houston, has billboards that say "eat local", with a picture of blueberries on it.   ???
Really ?

But really, it just continues to delight me to see a 'mountain vista' nearly everywhere you look.
Beautiful weather. Will be here almost all the month of May; then move to Owego, NY for the month of June.

Later, Marilyn