Friday, July 29, 2016

Yeah! Internet, finally

You cannot imagine how frustrating it has been not having access to this blog. Its been a real comedy of errors.

So, to catch you up in a nutshell:
We have been here at a beautiful city park campground in Owego, NY, for two months. Vera has been staying at her sisters house almost the whole time (so "we" really meant just me and the dogs; Charlie rejoined us one month ago, and we've had a great time running around.
We even went kayaking...and now we have the "kayak bug"... Love it!  We will eventually get a couple, but Vera's not to keen about them on top of the car... we'll have to work on her about that.

Vera's sister and family are still needing help because of continuing health issues, so Vera has decided to stay on with them for at least 5 or 6 weeks.
Charlie and I are going to travel on to Nova Scotia, leaving next Wednesday. I have reservations in a campground there for a month, so we will have plenty of time to explore.... And, we are meeting up with some friends we made here in this campground, and are really looking forward to hanging out with them. They will also be there a month.

So, I'll send this out without photos for now..... I still have to figure out how to use the bluetooth to get my phone pictures onto this new tablet. Aarrgh 😕
Later, Marilyn