Sunday, August 21, 2016


Can't get the blog to respond.  I am going to have to switch to Facebook....coming soon. 😊. Marilyn

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Nova Scotia

Hello !! I am finally back on the blog site... on my new tablet...  Still can't get photos out of my phone or camera.

BUT, we're here.... Pictou, NS, in a campground by a bay....for a month.  So far our biggest adventure has been a tidal bore rafting trip.
The most dramatic thing here is the huge changes in tides. There is the horizontal tide, vertical tide, rip tide, and bore....the differences being in the topography of the floor of the ocean at any given point.  The vertical tide change can reach 57', but what we are seeing here is somewhere more around 10 to 15'. But the Bay of Fundy gets very shallow as it goes further inland, thus some horizontal tides can be up to 3 miles you see a lot of mud flats... Red mud.
So the tidal bore is the incoming tide rolling over the sand bars and mudflats of a river trying to flow outward in the opposite direction....creating a series of standing waves that can be around 8'. The day we went they were only about 4', thank goodness. But we got really soaked, in red muddy water!  Hope to get you pics later.

So to update you: Vera stayed behind with her sister Susie in Owego,NY....until Charlie and I come back thru. We are exploring here with a couple we met at the campground in Owego... Who were headed for the same destination. It's a nice feeling to have someone to buddy with when you are so far from "the familiar"... I think it is a "God thing".

Well, this post is somewhat of an experiment... since my last one did not go thru. So we'll try again.   Later, Marilyn