Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Not so fast

One moment we were whizzing along about half way to our destination of Albuquerque ....... and the next we were stopped dead on the very top of an overpass over Route 66 ..... with a frozen AC compressor and broken fanbelt ....... ah, well ..... some bad with the good.
The worst part was when the engine shut down I could not get completely out of the outside lane of traffic. So we sat there for about 4 hours waiting for the "super tow-truck" and watching in the rear view mirror as two lanes of rush hour traffic tried to squeeze down into one and one-half lanes to get by us...... a little scary to say the least.

Anyway, our current campsite is the gravel parking lot of a small truck repair shop in Gallup, New Mexico.
It is ..... 'interesting'.... but not too bad, considering the camping fee (free). Of course the other side of the story is how much this camping spot will ultimately cost us :)  
The area is semi-rural and the owner lives next door with horses, an alpaca, a handful of dogs, and 3 or 4 peacocks who roam the truck lot... providing beautiful color to a somewhat bleak view (especially compared to where we just left from yesterday) !

We truly feel like turtles .... we are snug in our 'shell' wherever we may land. ..... Which is a good thing.
AND, we have the time.  We still marvel at the freedom we feel .... no strict schedule .... if we don't get there today..... then we'll get there... when we get there.

The other 'interesting' aspect of this current adventure:  they (of course) do not have the parts here, or anywhere near here, or even in this state.  So tomorrow we will get in our car and drive to Farmington, NM where parts are to arrive from overnite shipping, and then we will bring them back here (5 hours round trip) for this repair shop to install.  Ah ...... as I've said many times now since we started this trip ..... "every experience is an adventure" .... but its all good.


1 comment:

  1. Love your attitude...Enjoying the journey with all its ups and downs, twists and turns, stops and starts.
    Even in the bleak countryside of Gallup, you can see God's handiwork if you take the time to be still and see.
    Hope it's back running soon so you don't miss the balloon ride.
