Saturday, February 16, 2013

Galveston to Livingston

Christmas day we rode the ferry returning to Galveston from Orange.  The wind was very strong, and really whipped up the water near the ferry landing (on the Bolivar side).

From our campsite at Sandpiper RV in Galveston, many ships could be seen anchored some distance out, waiting for their turn to go up thru Galveston Bay to the Houston Ship Channel.

And this afternoon here on Lake Livingston, this is what we look like:

Later, Marilyn

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

.... the mice play

When the owners away, the mice play ....... but in this case: when the cook (Vera) is away, the mice eat ice cream for supper (and sugar cookies, and buttermilk pie).  We made it to the grocery and now have a full refrig.... but very little inclination to cook.   :)

Here at Marina Village on Lake Livingston .... parked about 50 feet from the water's edge. There were two other campers here, but one left this morning.  We almost have the whole place to ourselves.  The dogs don't even have to be on their leashes, we've been sitting out on the shore enjoying the scenery. 
There are two large groups of white pelicans that are roosting on sandbars at the edge of the lake. In the morning they swim out to one of the islands, and later come swimming back to their roost. Maybe its the weather than keeps them so inactive... ?  I had noticed in Galveston that the brown pelicans weren't nearly as active as when the weather is warmer.

One nice thing about being up here is there is nothing we 'have to' do.  No errands, no shopping opportunities.  We are just .. kinda .... here. With no obligations ..... so I'm going to watercolor!
You know, this may sound strange; but in our travels I feel like I have very little time to "just do nothing". Seems like there are always errands (pharmacy, grocery, shopping) to do; and then there are always side trips we want to take to see the area.  But very few days do we just stop and do nothing.
I think I'm going to work at changing that; after all, I'm supposed to be retired you know!

Later, Marilyn

Monday, February 11, 2013

Lake Livingston in the rain

We arrived this afternoon in a drizzling, foggy rain .... with a stiff wind across the lake, and 54 degrees!  We really know how to plan the trip to fit the weather .... remember how we arrived in Galveston and the next three weeks were "highly uncomfortable" ?!  But, hey, it's all part of the adventure.   We have exactly two other neighbors ... only 3 people here in this rather large campground ... so we will have some of my sought after solitude.
The dogs were so excited ... they remember the smells .... and recognize where we are when we turn off the main highway. The lake is very full!... which is a good thing. Maybe Charlie will try some fishing.
Tomorrow we will go into town (about 5 miles to Trinity), and grocery shop... we have sandwich stuff and that's about it.
Later, Marilyn

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Barckus and Meow Parade

The dogs had a really big day today .... they went to the pet parade at Galveston Mardi Gras.  BooBoo caught some beads and her mom put them around her neck with her collar ..... very pretty.  Then we stopped by Starbucks, and Bugsy had a Puppy Latte (whipped cream in a small cup).  He knows the place now .... been there twice before .... and if he sticks his head out the window and wags his tail, the person at the window hands him whipped cream.... fast learner .... so this time he gave a "woof" for good measure, and sure enough ... whipped cream.
Then we went by some friends house where there is a really big yard for them to run in ..... then we sat on the seawall and had a McDonalds picnic .... and they got to bark at the bicycles going by :(

We moved the motorhome up to Pearland last week but drove back down to Galveston to deliver Vera to the cruiseship. She will be gone 7 days; so Charlie and I are heading up to Lake Livingston for the week.

We are not sure what our next destination will be .... we have decided to postpone Alaska until 2014.  It is a l-o-o-o-o-ng way (about 12,000 miles round trip).   I'll keep you posted.

Later, Marilyn