Monday, February 11, 2013

Lake Livingston in the rain

We arrived this afternoon in a drizzling, foggy rain .... with a stiff wind across the lake, and 54 degrees!  We really know how to plan the trip to fit the weather .... remember how we arrived in Galveston and the next three weeks were "highly uncomfortable" ?!  But, hey, it's all part of the adventure.   We have exactly two other neighbors ... only 3 people here in this rather large campground ... so we will have some of my sought after solitude.
The dogs were so excited ... they remember the smells .... and recognize where we are when we turn off the main highway. The lake is very full!... which is a good thing. Maybe Charlie will try some fishing.
Tomorrow we will go into town (about 5 miles to Trinity), and grocery shop... we have sandwich stuff and that's about it.
Later, Marilyn

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