Friday, June 28, 2013

Forest Living & Orienteering

This is the view thru our motorhome front window ..... quite a view.  And of course the dogs take turns on the observation platform .... this was Bugsy's turn.

We are probably two hundred yards from the 'fishing' lake shore (as opposed to the 'swimming' lake shore .... two different lakes).
Anyway, when we go down there, that is the most beautiful, quiet, still place ..... I have several places picked out that I want to watercolor.

I've written here before about the unique orientation quirks of traveling in a motorhome, and having "north" move every so often.  One day my bedroom window faces east, the next week it may face south. When I am inside the motorhome, not particularly looking out the windows, I have one set of "place" perceptions;  and when I look out a window, there is an instantaneous "reorienting" that is very strange.  Not that it bothers me at all .... rather, it intrigues me that I can be facing one direction in my mind, and then go thru a mini-paradigm shift so quickly.  If it weren't so fast, I would stop and say "ah-ha!"..... but I just notice ..... then go on. Another reason it is really fascinating, is that we've been sitting in one spot for almost two months.  You'd think I'd get used to the sun rising on my left by now.

Vera has decided to work for the campground for a few hours a week also.  They, of course, are delighted to have her.  She is a contract employee who actually gets paid hourly; while Charlie and I are 'comped' for our campground fees in exchange for the hours we work.
But I think Vera decided we (Charlie and I) are just having too much fun, especially with all the camaraderie and such ... so now, she is offically a workamper too!

More later,

1 comment:

  1. Hey glad to hear from you. I was afraid the "Big Rock" had fallen on you. Sounds like you are in a really good campground with breathtaking scenery and fun campers. Look forward to hearing about your 4th of July activities.
