Saturday, August 3, 2013

elephant herd ?

Small wisps of fog (clouds) can very often be seen rising from a mountainside; and sometimes there is a lot of it, which settles in the valleys and leaves the blue ridges peeking out above.

We have joked many times that "the elephant herd over on that mountainside is putting off a lot of body heat" ...... or, perhaps "it is a whole tribe of Indians camped over there".
Well, I read about the phenomenon: ..... because of the excessive rainfall in these mountains, this is officially considered a 'temperate rainforest'.  So the fog we see rising is literally visible condensate.

I liked the elephant hypothesis best.

And here is our fishing lake at dusk:


Later, Marilyn


  1. I was looking at clouds for elephants before I read the blog....

    So envious of your beautiful surroundings. Hope you are all still enjoying your stay.

  2. Hellooo..anyone out there? Did the elephants run over you?

    Missing hearing what you are up too.
