Tuesday, October 29, 2013

getting very wet

This is the action shot of our rafting trip several weeks ago down the Nantahala River Gorge.  The river outfitter companies have a (semi)professional photographer stationed along the rapids areas; and by the time you finish your trip, back at the office they have your photos ready to purchase..... it's worth it, because there was no way my camera was in a position to get any shots at this point. 

Things you never think about: for those of us who wear eyeglasses... buy a pair of those little rubber grippers for the ear pieces, with a cord to go around your neck - just in case (kinda like life preservers, only different).

The next three photos are of Grandfather Mountain .... one BIG hunk of rock.

The suspension bridge was pretty daunting ..... but look at those tiny figures way in the background on top of the very tip top ......

Oh, look, one of them is Charlie!

more later, Marilyn

Monday, October 28, 2013

Leaf rain

Several mornings recently, we awoke to the sound of a light pattering of rain on our roof.  Turns out it is just a lot of leaves falling and sounds like rain hitting our motorhome roof. The colors of fall are "washing over" us "as we speak". Every day is a new look, every trip down the mountain into town is a surprise at what has changed overnite. 
Last year at this time, you may remember, we were still in Maine, and had experienced the same "washed over" effect. I believe that is the best way to experience the changing of the colors.. to stay still and let them come to you.  Right now is the peak season here in the Western North Carolina mountains for "leaf peepers", and the place is packed with tourists.

We have been packing in as much adventure as we can stand.  We actually hiked a portion of the Appalachian Trail. It was so exhilarating, and so beautiful. I've always thought it sounded so intriguing, but never thought I'd ever be "on it".  You know it stretches from Georgia to Maine, and covers some 1800 plus miles, almost all mountains.
This photo is a typical view of the trail as it winds around, up and over the hills.  It is marked with white tree blazes every few hundred yards.

This last photo is of our group of five walking up the road to the very top of the ridge where the trail crosses the gravel road. We took a left, and hiked (some of us) about 1.5 miles to an old fire lookout tower with a 360 degree view of the surrounding country side and mountains.  Actually, two of us didn't make it the whole way (I'll never say which two), but just being "on The Trail" was enough.  The elevation gain for the 1.5 miles was 700'...... so, needless to say, it wasn't classified as "easy" or "moderate".
The road crossing the ridge at that point is known as Teleco Gap.  You can see the power transmission lines going over the mountain ..... it's the lowest point on that mountain.
more later, Marilyn

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Still here in NC

I am so sorry that I appear to have abandoned my loyal following ..... not true, but I have been really negligent.

Vera's brother-in-law is doing quite well. In fact at his follow-up visit to the surgeon, the doctor thumped on his chest and asked if he was sore and Charlie said no.  I can't imagine .... I think the old term "crack open the chest" is not entirely a figure of speech.

We returned here from the two week New York/ Pennsylvania trip and immediately took the motorhome in for some overdue maintenance.  The facility was a 2 hour drive from here, and it turned into a four day trip ........ however, it was farther east and closer to several attractions we had on our 'to see' list.  So it turned  into a vacation away from our permanent vacation.
We hiked Linnville Falls, went to Grandfather Mountain, and to the top of Mount Mitchell.
Photos to follow!

Then, we came back to our "home" for the last 5+ months, Cascade Lake Campground; and the next week took a three day trip (with our other two adventure friends here at the campground), back to the Nantahala Gorge, and on over the Newfound Gap into Gatlinburg.  We did a half day hike on the Appalachian Trail (just a few miles of it), near Teleco Gap.  That was another bucket list thing.  A friend told Vera that she didn't know how long Vera's bucket list was; but perhaps she shouldn't be checking them off quite so fast. :)
Photos to follow!

More later, Marilyn