Tuesday, October 29, 2013

getting very wet

This is the action shot of our rafting trip several weeks ago down the Nantahala River Gorge.  The river outfitter companies have a (semi)professional photographer stationed along the rapids areas; and by the time you finish your trip, back at the office they have your photos ready to purchase..... it's worth it, because there was no way my camera was in a position to get any shots at this point. 

Things you never think about: for those of us who wear eyeglasses... buy a pair of those little rubber grippers for the ear pieces, with a cord to go around your neck - just in case (kinda like life preservers, only different).

The next three photos are of Grandfather Mountain .... one BIG hunk of rock.

The suspension bridge was pretty daunting ..... but look at those tiny figures way in the background on top of the very tip top ......

Oh, look, one of them is Charlie!

more later, Marilyn

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