Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Storage Mania

Here we are still in Pearland, TX

We have decided to remain here until March 1, and head (more or less) straight for North Carolina.  So while here we have combined our multiple storage units into one, and are struggling to purge enough 'stuff' from it to move down to a smaller size.  I guess that is one of the "cons" of full-time RV living ...... the storage unit trail we leave across the country.
We had a temporary 'Christmas' unit in Galveston; and a temporary 'change of seasons' one here in Pearland..... then the 'big, original' unit here also.  It is 10'x30', which I guess is not bad for 3 women's entire earthly possessions.  However, it costs a small fortune, so we are purging.  I want to try selling some items on Craigs List.... have heard its not too bad/hard to do.

And, then, Charlie and I have been doing some watercolor painting:
This is Charlies fishing boat scene taken from Bolivar Peninsula:

And here is one I did of the Galveston Pleasure Pier that I wrote about and showed you last time:

More later,

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