Thursday, May 8, 2014

lo-o-o-ove these mountains

Just to be here IN the mountains is wonderful; and driving the small winding roads just flat makes me smile !  Every direction I look, there are 'blue ridges' ..... small or large. After living my whole life in the flatter parts of Texas (especially the west Texas plains in Lubbock), I can't believe I didn't get here sooner.

We are all fine, and are settling into our campground work routine. The schedule varies a little, but is basically 3 days on and 3 days off (with 4 hour shifts that vary each day). There is usually a 8-noon, then a noon-4, then a 4-8 shift.  The work, either the gate house or the store is very easy ...... and then, ..... we go play !   Lots of outdoor things to do around here,  and then of course (for Vera especially), there's shopping.  We've only done one short hike, but walking up and down these hills in the campground is really doing wonders for my leg muscles.

This is a view at Pisgah Inn restaurant on the Blue Ridge Parkway, taken when we first got here in mid March ..... so, obviously the mountains had not turned green yet.
It has been so fun watching everything turn green .... almost as much fun as watching fall colors arrive.

Look inviting ???  come on over to visit us.

Later, Marilyn


  1. Glad to hear you are all settled in. Sounds like heaven on earth. Looking forward to hearing of your adventures and pictures. Miss you all.

  2. Ah yes, I remember that view. Glad that you are feeling at home there. Hope all are well, two and four-footed.
