Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Blue Bell !!!!

Almost home. We are in Texarkana tonite..... Charlie went into Walmart to get Subway or McDonalds, and came out with 3 pints of Blue Bell... our dinner !  It tastes as good as we remembered.

Several friends reminded us not to have a dramatic events on the way back to Houston this year. Last year we had, not one, but two blowouts..... and a very sick dog that required stops at four different vets in four different cities.
So we were like, "driving on eggshells".... and doing fine.... until yesterday morning as we were pulling out of our camping space we got stuck!  They had a looooot of rain and I cut the corner a little.  But, it was just one rear corner, so we put some boards down and backed out of it without too much problem.  Always some kind of adventure :-)

So, I wanted to stop by Livingston, TX where they have a 4 corner weighing setup for your motorhome..... to see how my weight distribution is currently.  But the service will not be available because of the holidays.... so we will make it to Pearland by tomorrow (Wednesday) evening.

Later, Marilyn

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