Friday, April 22, 2016

Paddle faster !!!

We have not left Houston yet..... waiting for the regions northeast of us to drain down a little. We will be traveling diagonally across Arkansas and Tennessee, which includes several large floodplains.

Current plan is to pull out on Monday; and be in Rutledge, NC on Friday.
Good news is: for once we have everything accomplished on the list, and are ready to leave !

Our "weight problem" is "weighing" heavily on our minds :-)  We weighed the motorhome when we first got back to Texas in December, and found ourselves to be some 1800 lbs. over our gross vehicle rating...... soooooooo..... we have been Purging, and purging, and getting rid of lots of 'stuff'.  And we will stop back by Livingston Escapees to be weighed again.  "We" are hopeful, but "I" am nervous.
There is no penalty for being overweight except for safety issues and excess wear and tear on the coach.  I just want to be safe.  So, if we get to Livingston and are still overweight.... you may hear of a constant string of 'discarded items' along the roadside heading north.  Aside from that we could draw straws to see who gets left behind ;-)

Everyone is well... except Toby the golden retriever is getting less and less mobil. I have a ramp for part of the steps down from the coach, but it is still hard for him.  He's 13 and really starting to slow down.
More later, Marilyn

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