Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fort Laramie, the crossroad

Fort Laramie National Historic Site (different from the city of Laramie further south and west) was a VERY Significant location in the expansion of the American West.  I have been totally intrigued by the history of this place. 
All three of the major trails (Oregon ,California, Mormon) that the first emigrants took to "the west", came past Fort Laramie .... estimated 500,000 people, by wagon and horse (and in the case of the Mormons many with hand carts).
The Pony Express used the same trail; although I was surprised to learn it only operated a couple of years (1860-1861).  The railroad and then the telegraph took over its function.
We saw the wagon wheel ruts in the limestone rocks in several places, some as deep as four feet!  I am in awe of the strength and perseverance of the people, AND the animals that sacrificed for them.

Fort Laramie later was important for the US army and for the freight wagons that supplied the west.
The rolling plains are beautiful! ..... WINDY, but beautiful.
Reminds me of West Texas, but greener.  Of course right now is not a fair comparison because of the Texas drought.  But Wyoming is not the semi-arid land that west Texas is.

Later, Marilyn

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