Friday, June 24, 2011

On the Road: downs and ups

Hello family and friends,

After about six weeks in the Houston/Galveston area, we are heading for "the Northwest".

Everyone had their round of medical visits:
Charlie's shoulder is almost back to normal.
I had a tooth extraction which, to the "extractee" (that's me) .... was a BIG deal.  But I know I'm really blessed with good health. 
Vera is still having problems with her blood pressure and it greatly effects her energy level.  Her doctor continues to monitor and tweak her medications ..... they stay in touch by email.

We are in Colorado Springs spending two days enjoying the mountain air (c-o-o-o-l mountain air).
Two days ago we spent the night in Palo Duro Canyon, 1000 plus feet below the surrounding caprock plains, the next nite at 7,000 (plus)feet elevation at Raton Pass, and yesterday we went up Pike's Peak to 14,000 plus elevation.  Coming from Galveston at around ten feet elevation, we definitely feel the difference.  Our sleep number air mattress got firmer and we had to let some air out ... Vera says she's not used to this "rarified" air.

We saw the 'Texas' musical in Palo Duro Canyon .... it was magnificent! 
And we found a really wonderful museum in Dalhart about the famous XIT ranch and about Texas ranching heritage.  To be in such an unexpected location, it is really a first class museum.

We stopped in Quanah, Texas to visit a cementery. Tried to find the grave of a friend; couldn't find it but had a wonderful adventure on the back country roads of dusty west Texas.

The Garden of the Gods is really something !  I'd like to spend some time just sitting, gazing there .... But alas, time to move on.

So far there have not been the tourist crowds we expected .... don't know if the wildfires are affecting tourism that much or what.  Our next major destination is Mount Rushmore and the surrounding area.

The dogs are getting back into the travel routine.  Bugsy is the one who watches out the window and does all the sniffing of each new place we slow down in; then he reports to the other dogs if they should pay attention or just keep napping.   They really rely on him!


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