Sunday, January 22, 2012

doing laundry in the snow

This campground here in Pearland has a VERY nice activities building which among other spaces, includes a nice laundry facility.
How many of us have done a load of laundry and left a kleenex in a pocket .... or some such blunder ... ?
makes a real mess, right? 
Ok, how many of us has washed an entire magazine in a load of laundry? ...... makes a bigger mess !
Unfortunately it was recycled paper (dissolves and sticks worse).
Fortunately it was a load of underwear (not visible to the public).
But after I took each piece out and shook it; turned it inside out and shook it ..... that laundry room looked like it had snowed inside.  I called Charlie for help and it took a while to clean up the mess!

See, I usually take something to bed to read, (remember our space is pretty compact) ..... and there is no surface or place to put it when I get ready to turn out the light... without getting out of bed.   SO, I just drop it on the floor by the bed ....... which is also where the laundry basket resides.
Vera and Charlie have been grousing about having to pick newspaper and magazines out of the laundry basket for awhile ..... guess I learned my lesson

Vera continues to improve from her surgery; however she has had a couple of episodes of irregular heartbeat (she has a pacemaker). We are hoping it is not severe. She sees the surgeon on Wednesday, when we will find out the schedule for physical therapy or whatever is next.


Friday, January 20, 2012

little green trees

We can't find the two boxes of household stuff that was temporarily packed up to make way for the Christmas decorations:  place mats, kitchen towels, pictures, potholders, some bowls, glasses, mugs .... and the silverware (stainless flatware).  Vera puts out a LOT of Christmas themed things.  All of the above plus kleenex boxes and a lot of little decorative things. 
The Christmas silverware has white handles with little green trees on them; I told Vera they don't have to be considered only as Christmas silverware ..... she said no, "who has silverware with little green trees on them" ......

Well, there are only two places our regular stuff could be: either here in the motorhome, or in the storage place which is down the road a few miles.   Well, this motorhome has exactly 347 square feet plus about 150 sq.ft. of storage compartments below.   Not that hard to find something .... you know: "a place for everything, and everything in its place".  
And the storage place doesn't get shifted around much .... should be able to find the two boxes we put in there about one month ago.  not so. 

Only thing we can figure is we inadvertently put them with the "give-away" boxes.

I guess eventually we'll buy some new stuff ..... for now .... we're eating with little green trees.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

home again

Vera is "home" from the hospital .... everything looks good ..... so now just lots of rest, etc. Thanks to everyone for the prayers.
We are here in Pearland, only 10 minutes from the medical center .... snug in our motorhome (AND the furnace is working - 44 degrees this morning).


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Warm, hammer and nails

77 degrees today .... go figure !   BUT, hey, no complaints.

After going to church this morning, Charlie and I put on our carpenter hats and got to work. 

The deal in a nutshell is:   Vera's bed is 32 inches above the floor (storage cabinet under it); and with recent back surgery there is slim chance she can get in and out of it .... certainly not easily.  The problem is compounded by a very limited space (about 12 inches wide) alongside the bed.   Also, the entry steps up into the motorhome are extremely high (9 1/2") and shallow.  Our stepstool is not big, tall or stable enough.

So, being the good friends that we are, and the compulsive architect that I am ..... we set about to build steps and a platform.  First, borrow a circular saw. Second, borrow a garage and workbench to work in (as opposed to the picnic table by the side of our motorhome - it has rained several times today). Third, cut pieces.  Fourth, nail pieces together.

Meanwhile, up at the hospital, Vera has her doctor, the PT dept, her nurses and anyone else who is interested ..... on board the project to help "get her ready for the motorhome". The doctor flat said he won't discharge her until ... (we get the steps built) (my words, not exactly his).

So ... end of the day, we have items 1,2 & 3 complete; ready to nail. We'll keep you updated.

Vera is doing much better ... currently her struggle is emotional, as her blood sugar levels climb (caused by the IV steroids) and she fears becoming diabetic.  I've been told that the levels will go down once she is off the IV; but she feels very vulnerable right now ..... got to get these steps built!
