Sunday, January 8, 2012

Warm, hammer and nails

77 degrees today .... go figure !   BUT, hey, no complaints.

After going to church this morning, Charlie and I put on our carpenter hats and got to work. 

The deal in a nutshell is:   Vera's bed is 32 inches above the floor (storage cabinet under it); and with recent back surgery there is slim chance she can get in and out of it .... certainly not easily.  The problem is compounded by a very limited space (about 12 inches wide) alongside the bed.   Also, the entry steps up into the motorhome are extremely high (9 1/2") and shallow.  Our stepstool is not big, tall or stable enough.

So, being the good friends that we are, and the compulsive architect that I am ..... we set about to build steps and a platform.  First, borrow a circular saw. Second, borrow a garage and workbench to work in (as opposed to the picnic table by the side of our motorhome - it has rained several times today). Third, cut pieces.  Fourth, nail pieces together.

Meanwhile, up at the hospital, Vera has her doctor, the PT dept, her nurses and anyone else who is interested ..... on board the project to help "get her ready for the motorhome". The doctor flat said he won't discharge her until ... (we get the steps built) (my words, not exactly his).

So ... end of the day, we have items 1,2 & 3 complete; ready to nail. We'll keep you updated.

Vera is doing much better ... currently her struggle is emotional, as her blood sugar levels climb (caused by the IV steroids) and she fears becoming diabetic.  I've been told that the levels will go down once she is off the IV; but she feels very vulnerable right now ..... got to get these steps built!


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