Sunday, January 22, 2012

doing laundry in the snow

This campground here in Pearland has a VERY nice activities building which among other spaces, includes a nice laundry facility.
How many of us have done a load of laundry and left a kleenex in a pocket .... or some such blunder ... ?
makes a real mess, right? 
Ok, how many of us has washed an entire magazine in a load of laundry? ...... makes a bigger mess !
Unfortunately it was recycled paper (dissolves and sticks worse).
Fortunately it was a load of underwear (not visible to the public).
But after I took each piece out and shook it; turned it inside out and shook it ..... that laundry room looked like it had snowed inside.  I called Charlie for help and it took a while to clean up the mess!

See, I usually take something to bed to read, (remember our space is pretty compact) ..... and there is no surface or place to put it when I get ready to turn out the light... without getting out of bed.   SO, I just drop it on the floor by the bed ....... which is also where the laundry basket resides.
Vera and Charlie have been grousing about having to pick newspaper and magazines out of the laundry basket for awhile ..... guess I learned my lesson

Vera continues to improve from her surgery; however she has had a couple of episodes of irregular heartbeat (she has a pacemaker). We are hoping it is not severe. She sees the surgeon on Wednesday, when we will find out the schedule for physical therapy or whatever is next.


1 comment:

  1. Oh have made me laugh with your little green trees and snow in Houston. Did Charlie really come to help you or to tell you how you shouldn't put paper in the laundry basket.
