Friday, September 21, 2012

Bangor, Maine

We have driven across thru Vermont, New Hampshire and into the interior of Maine ..... still looking for moose.  I have seen a tourist advertisement for guided moose tours ..... we may have to check it out. 
But the big news is Vera is in the hospital here with severe blood pressure problems.  She got to take an ambulance ride night before last when her blood pressure soared to 229 over "100 something". So today they did a heart cath. and pronounced her free of any artery obstructions.... so now they can focus on medication issues.   We'll be here at least a week; more if necessary. 
We are very fortunate to be here in a city with a very good medical center.  We have been very impressed with all the care she has been given.

So the fall colors here are reported to be about 10 percent toward peak.  Already very beautiful.
More later, Marilyn

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