Saturday, September 29, 2012

nicest, friendliest town

You know, we have been here in Bangor for "coming up on" two weeks now; and the longer we stay the more impressed we are with the people and the friendly atmosphere of the city.  We interact with a lot of people .... laundry, pharmacy, grocery, restaurants, hotel, truck repair shop, and of course the hospital.  We have yet to encounter a single "sullen" or unhappy countenance. It's remarkable!  Vera and I were traversing the tunnel connector between the hospital and the hotel in the evening on a weekend .... and we encountered a maintenance man who was so friendly and happy, that we just couldn't believe it. 
We thought about it a lot, and have decided that living in a beautiful, refreshing climate, ... a nice pleasant town with no traffic problems .... just makes for happier people.  I've been reading the local paper every day, and am amazed at the low crime rate.  Well, for one thing, Bangor is on the northern edge of the populated portion of Maine.  Everything in the north central part of the state is ......  well .... un-populated.... or very low population. If you look at a map, there just aren't many roads thru it. I guess this is about our second most favorite place we've visited.... too bad about their winters.

The fall colors are rapidly overtaking our location.  The weather has been high of mid 60's and low in low 50's.  I guess this has contributed to the explosion of color..... it is really wonderful.  I think seeing them change from one spot is more interesting than traveling into them.
Anyway, I can't send pictures until we get back into our motorhome, and we don't know when that will be yet.

Later, Marilyn

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