Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Houston !!!!

Back here at Advanced RV in Pearland ..... nice to be back in familiar territory !
We'll be here one month (except for this weekend we are going up to Kerrville to visit friends).

Our last nite out we stopped in the parking lot of the casino at Delta Downs in Louisianna. I parked it next to 3 or 4 other motorhomes facing the fence. Next morning we awoke to the sound of hoofbeats .... just like in the movies. We looked out and not more than 30 yards away was the racetrack with at least 30 racehorses out for their morning exercise. It was quite a treat.

The dogs are excited to be back to familiar territory ..... they practically dragged us to the dog park.
And we have encountered several friends here in the campground that we got to know last year.

Later, Marilyn

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