Wednesday, November 14, 2012

in the barnyard

We are still here in Pearl, Mississippi, parked in the horse barnyard, tucked in between the horse trailer and the stables barn.

This is the BEST camping spot (MY opinion) that we've ever had. Our front windshield overlooks multiple training corrals .... where they work with the horses just about from sunup till after dark. 
Charlie and I have even been helping with the barn chores, feeding and watering, and putting down straw for their bedding (fortunately we haven't been asked to 'muck' yet).

During some days, we take the dogs to Charlottes house and her huge backyard. They really get caught up on their exercise.
As for their curiosity about those 'big dogs'...... Bugsy and Toby finally got to sniff noses with one of the horses; and Toby even licked the horse on his nose.   Boo-Boo is a natural born 'yapper' .... and as such, is not horsey-friendly.

We are having such a good time we will stay until Saturday, and then head straight for Houston.

Later, Marilyn

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