Sunday, December 23, 2012

friends are family

We're here on Galveston Island, listening to the surf, getting together with friends, waiting for the big day.   Actually, on THE day we will be in Orange, TX, visiting Charlie's good friends Sharon and Arnold.

The dogs love it here, they love it anywhere ..... especially if they've been here before. At this campsite we have a good sized patch of grassy lawn next to our patio, and they have been really good just hanging out with us outside.  Also helps that we don't have any close neighbors around us.

We are parked within sight of the beach, and there is a large area of wetlands and dunes just to our east. Last nite I was sitting here at the computer and heard a bunch of coyotes howling nearby .... it didn't even wake the dogs up !
Then this morning I looked out and there were runners and joggers going along the seawall just behind us .... a half marathon I found out.  There are a lot of people (tourists) here; I am surprised.

This year seems less hectic .... we shopped early ..... so it is the first time in years that the pace has been this relaxed coming up on Christmas.  That makes it really easy to focus on the real meaning of this season.  Happy Birthday, Jesus !

Later, Marilyn

Monday, December 10, 2012

mini vacation

We are settled in here at Advanced RV Resort, Houston, TX ...... a really nice place, and a lot of people who remember us from last season; so we have some instant friends. They have coffee in the clubhouse every morning and have a pretty large group of "regulars" who sit and visit for an hour, then go on about their daily activities.
I have been spending some time in the 'puzzle room' at the clubhouse .... lots of room to spread out, and 5 or 6 jigsaw puzzles in progress to choose from.

But the real news is that Bugsy and Toby and I have the whole motorhome to ourselves for 3 days.  wow ..... when you live in such a small space with so many other bodies ... that's a real treat. A real mini vacation.  Vera and Charlie and BooBoo have gone to Beaumont to visit friends.  I told them if the motorhome isn't here when they get back; just call for directions.  I really did think about running up to the lake, but it's easier to drive this thing when you have a navigator and a tail gunner.

Well, I'm going to get busy and start doing nothing .... first up is a watercolor session !
Later, Marilyn 

Sunday, December 2, 2012


We have been busily being "home" for almost two weeks now ..... so many friends to see, so many Mexican food restaurants to eat at !!    Boy did I ever miss the Mexican food up north .... and boy have I been making up for it here (except I haven't been to my favorite, El Gallo, yet).

We have a calendar project underway, selecting photos to represent our travels ..... and it has been great to re-live so many of our experiences. 

We've also been making Christmas candy ... the kind you melt the chocolate and pour into the little molds .... with nuts, peppermint, or whatever, in some of them.  The really nice thing is we can use the big fully equipped kitchen in the clubhouse here at the campground.  Kinda puts more joy into cooking when you have more elbow space.

More later, Marilyn