Monday, December 10, 2012

mini vacation

We are settled in here at Advanced RV Resort, Houston, TX ...... a really nice place, and a lot of people who remember us from last season; so we have some instant friends. They have coffee in the clubhouse every morning and have a pretty large group of "regulars" who sit and visit for an hour, then go on about their daily activities.
I have been spending some time in the 'puzzle room' at the clubhouse .... lots of room to spread out, and 5 or 6 jigsaw puzzles in progress to choose from.

But the real news is that Bugsy and Toby and I have the whole motorhome to ourselves for 3 days.  wow ..... when you live in such a small space with so many other bodies ... that's a real treat. A real mini vacation.  Vera and Charlie and BooBoo have gone to Beaumont to visit friends.  I told them if the motorhome isn't here when they get back; just call for directions.  I really did think about running up to the lake, but it's easier to drive this thing when you have a navigator and a tail gunner.

Well, I'm going to get busy and start doing nothing .... first up is a watercolor session !
Later, Marilyn 

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