Sunday, December 2, 2012


We have been busily being "home" for almost two weeks now ..... so many friends to see, so many Mexican food restaurants to eat at !!    Boy did I ever miss the Mexican food up north .... and boy have I been making up for it here (except I haven't been to my favorite, El Gallo, yet).

We have a calendar project underway, selecting photos to represent our travels ..... and it has been great to re-live so many of our experiences. 

We've also been making Christmas candy ... the kind you melt the chocolate and pour into the little molds .... with nuts, peppermint, or whatever, in some of them.  The really nice thing is we can use the big fully equipped kitchen in the clubhouse here at the campground.  Kinda puts more joy into cooking when you have more elbow space.

More later, Marilyn


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