Monday, September 23, 2013

Vera's family

Vera and I are here in Owego, NY. Vera's brother in law, Charlie, had open heart surgery this morning; and it was just reported that he "did well" ..... and the next 36 -48 hours will be important.

Yesterday Vera and I drove upstate to Watertown to have lunch with her other sister Donna.  It was beautiful country .... fall colors are definitely out.  At one point we were less than 20 miles from where Lake Ontario flows into the St. Lawrence Seaway ..... hard to realize we are so far north again this year (about the same time as last year).  It is a very different perspective when we are traveling by car, without the motorhome as a base to spend the nite when and where you want to.  I would have liked to explore the area a little more.

Wish I had the right equipment with me to attach some photos ... but I came unprepared: this laptop doesn't have a port for the camera card, and I didn't bring a card reader.... so you'll just have to wait until later for the visual aids.

Later, Marilyn

Friday, September 20, 2013

New York (upstate)

Well, things have certainly taken a turnaround.  Vera and I came north to Owego, NY to visit her sister for a few days.  Charlie stayed in North Carolina with the motorhome and the dogs. We also stopped thru Pennsylvania to visit some of Vera's school friends.  We had a nice visit with Susie and her family; started 'home', and got a call that Susie's husband Charlie is to have open heart surgery on Monday ..... so we turned around and came back with the intent that I would drop Vera off and drive back to NC ..... and that she would later fly back.   Not so easy to do when you are not near a major airline hub on either end.  Long story short:  I am staying here also until after the surgery and then we will drive back.    All told it will be almost two weeks that we will have been gone from "home" in the Asheville area.  By the time we return 'our' Charlie will need a vacation.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Motorcycle Mama

Bucket lists are important parts of our lives .... especially the older we get.  Vera got to mark one off, in a big way: 

(she's the short one)

dressed for success

ready to roll
is this a race?

and they're off
btw that's the gatehouse that Charlie works in

support crew
(Charlie on the right)

And then, to top it off, they went up to the Blue Ridge Parkway for a ride.  Can you visualize this from the back of a motorcycle ? :

sooo.... that's one down !
Later, Marilyn