Friday, September 20, 2013

New York (upstate)

Well, things have certainly taken a turnaround.  Vera and I came north to Owego, NY to visit her sister for a few days.  Charlie stayed in North Carolina with the motorhome and the dogs. We also stopped thru Pennsylvania to visit some of Vera's school friends.  We had a nice visit with Susie and her family; started 'home', and got a call that Susie's husband Charlie is to have open heart surgery on Monday ..... so we turned around and came back with the intent that I would drop Vera off and drive back to NC ..... and that she would later fly back.   Not so easy to do when you are not near a major airline hub on either end.  Long story short:  I am staying here also until after the surgery and then we will drive back.    All told it will be almost two weeks that we will have been gone from "home" in the Asheville area.  By the time we return 'our' Charlie will need a vacation.

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