Sunday, December 22, 2013

Large roar

Sitting here in Galveston a couple hundred feet from the water, we hear the surf all the time ...... sometimes louder than others. So I started paying attention to when this was happening. Yesterday the roar was at least twice as loud as usual .... and of course when I looked at the surf it seemed very "large" (the only word that seemed to adequately describe it). Even the water out beyond the surf seemed to have very large swells.
This morning it is barely audible .... quiet as a mouse (also very flat water).
Anyway, I had fun thinking about "large surf" and "small surf" ...... and of course a large surf makes a very "large roar"    :-)
Can you tell I am very relaxed and having fun sitting here by the water?

We are really enjoying being included in our friend's social activities and gatherings!  Plus there are many other opportunities here. Yesterday I went to watercolor art class (I try to go as often as I can while here in Galveston.... this week it was three times); and then in the afternoon there was a painting demonstration at the Art League downtown.
The sandhill cranes are wintering here on the island, as usual, and I think I'll go looking for them this afternoon.

More later  (with photos)

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