Monday, December 2, 2013

Roar of the ...

Ocean !!!  Yes, we left the roar of the freeway behind in Houston, and arrived yesterday afternoon in refreshing Galveston.   Ahhh-h-h, the seabreezes, beautiful sunsets, and the sound of the surf.  We are approximately 200 yards from the beach, here at the end of the seawall.  It is just so invigorating.... I think I'd forgotten how much I love it.  And, of course, the friends!  We met several for breakfast this morning, and are looking forward to some get-togethers.

Right now the next thing on the calendar is Vera decorating a table for the Women's Banquet at our church.  They have a seated dinner for about 400 plus women (served by volunteer men of the church).  Tables for 8 are decorated by the "table leader".
You know, Vera's big thing has always been decorating for Christmas ..... so .... she will be using some of her Nativity collection as a theme. The decorating evening is Wednesday, and the dinner is Thursday.  Keep in mind, the decorations are in Pearland in the storage unit, we are in Galveston, and the dinner is on the West Loop of Houston.  :-)  So we'll be busy this week.

More later, Marilyn

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