Sunday, July 26, 2015

Texas in the rear view mirror

Wyoming !!!
We blew right across NM and Colorado, and are almost to Utah..... whoopee..... "On The Road Again".   We three travelers have tried to sing that song; but we just don't seem to get it right. Actually it's pitiful sounding...... Willie would just cringe.  But, nonetheless we are sooooooo happy to be traveling again.

Won't even begin to tell you how many $$$$$ we contributed to the Amaarillo economy; I guess it was for a good cause, as "they" say.
We thought surely we had all the bugs out of the motorhome.... and I kept hearing a funny buzzing sound coming from the dash. We thought "oh, no"..... but about two days later I turned off the rear camera and it stopped.... the volume on the camera system had been turned to full on, and I was hearing the engine noise at the back of the motorhome :-)   I was so glad I hadn't stopped at a repair place to find out about it... yet.  That would have given them a week's worth of laughs.

You know we came across Wyoming about 4 years ago, only further to the north.... but we just came across the southern high plains...... and it looks the same.  I don't think I'll need to come across it again.

But I'll tell you ..... I LOVE mountains ..... just about any shape or form.  And one of the reasons is they are cooler in temperature.  Nights are getting quite chilly.

Our next primary destination is Idaho, for a couple of weeks... or more.
We are all well.
More later.

IdaHooooo !!!

I love Idaho.
I also loved North Western Wyoming.
They actually have a potato museum we are going to look up.  Every space in the valleys that has enough top soil (there are black rock lava beds over thousands of acres of this area), is planted in either wheat or potatoes.... and both are irrigated with the long rolling boom sprinklers. It is nice to have the green valleys to offset the austere rolling mountains (on which nothing grows but the creosote bushes).

I posted a blog about 2 days ago but I was having internet problems..... and I don't know where it went.
Anyway, we are so glad to be traveling again. Every time we pull out on the "open" road we try to sing Willie's song "On The Road Again".... but we only know 2 lines; it really pitiful sounding.  But today we changed the song to "On the Wrong Road Again". Seems like at least once a day we miss a turn..... today we completely missed Bear Lake before we realized we weren't on the right road.  Oh well.
Tonite we are in Twin Falls, Idaho.
Later, Marilyn



Tuesday, July 14, 2015

still here

We are actually kind of fond of Amarillo; it's a nice little city...... but really, we've had enough..... ready to move on.  However, the motorhome extended warranty company is not moving rapidly.... right now the motorhome repairs have been completed; but we are waiting for the insurance to actually pay the repair shop their portion.   The slow pace of everyone is very discouraging.
Maybe tomorrow..? maybe the next day..? Oh well.

You know, I spent 5 years of my life in west Texas, Lubbock..... so there is a bit of nostalgia for me.  West Texas is a unique country all its own. 
Just in my honor, they had a dust storm for me last week.   Not as severe as they used to be in the early 60's, because there is sooooo much more irrigation now here on the plains..... not as much loose topsoil to blow around.   But it was pretty hazy and dusty. Seems like the wind always blows here.

Later, Marilyn

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

on the road.....well, sort of

Unnnnnbelievable!  how hard it has been to leave Houston. Several medical issues had to be resolved. Our first actual departure we got 8 miles north of Houston when the motorhome overheated and we had to be towed back.
Anyway, we are now in Amarillo, TX, waiting for repairs (next week) that hopefully will fix our "phantom" overheating problem.  Annnnnnd, this probably won't be a cheap fix.
So, we are reconsidering our destination and travel plans.  We have been here in Amarillo for 2 nites, and it is so cool and breezy in the evenings we have been sleeping with the windows open and loving it.  Hardly know how to react to this zero humidity thing.
At this point we all agree we just want to find a cool weather place to "hole up" for a month or so...... thinking about the Colorado Springs area. I'll keep you posted.

But mainly, we are so glad to be on the road; even though we've been gone four days and are still in Texas. :-)
