Tuesday, July 14, 2015

still here

We are actually kind of fond of Amarillo; it's a nice little city...... but really, we've had enough..... ready to move on.  However, the motorhome extended warranty company is not moving rapidly.... right now the motorhome repairs have been completed; but we are waiting for the insurance to actually pay the repair shop their portion.   The slow pace of everyone is very discouraging.
Maybe tomorrow..? maybe the next day..? Oh well.

You know, I spent 5 years of my life in west Texas, Lubbock..... so there is a bit of nostalgia for me.  West Texas is a unique country all its own. 
Just in my honor, they had a dust storm for me last week.   Not as severe as they used to be in the early 60's, because there is sooooo much more irrigation now here on the plains..... not as much loose topsoil to blow around.   But it was pretty hazy and dusty. Seems like the wind always blows here.

Later, Marilyn

1 comment:

  1. It looks as if Texas has closed it's Northern most border to protect its citizens from the bad lands. Seriously, I hope the Coach is truly Road Worthy when you finally get back on the road. You should know all there is to know about the Amarillo area by now. Be safe. Keep reporting in.
