Tuesday, August 18, 2015

170 miles and a gallon of ice cream

I've always been a great fan and admirer of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark.  As a matter of fact, when we went to Montana a few years ago we traced some of their path.... so this trip I knew we were coming thru Idaho, and started reading and charting their travels again.
One of their stories I like the best is when they encounter and top out (on the continental divide), at Lolo Pass near Lemhi, Idaho.  And what do you know' there is a Lewis & Clark Scenic Byway that takes you over Lolo Pass ! 
So..... being the designated driver and therefore holding the biggest influence in planning our route...... I took us over the pass.   Well the scenic byway was 170 miles, thru wilderness, with a lot of twists and turns.... and Vera.... doesn't do real well with too many twists and turns.  Especially 170 miles worth  :-)
Bottom line:  she says "just because you enjoy ice cream doesn't mean you eat the whole gallon".   So now every time we take off on a drive or sight-seeing excursion; she wants to know how many miles, and if it is one of those "Scenic Byways".  I noticed that in Washington they designate them as "Mountain Drives".  Wonder how long before she catches on.
Some photos from the Lewis & Clark Scenic Byway:

I will concede that "twisty, turny" in a 38 foot motorhome requires a bit more fortitude.

We then made our way over to the Columbia River Gorge (awesome), and today drove to Mt. St. Helens.... (what's remaining of it). 
At the Visitors Center, we watched the film about its eruption.... and the continuing activity of the lava dome. Then we drove to an observation point near the crater.... and we all said "We came, we saw, now let's get the heck away from here".

We are now heading toward Seattle.
More later, Marilyn

1 comment:

  1. Awesome scenery. Did you go up Mount St. Helen's in the motorhome? That could be scary especially when it gets late in the evening and the fog/clouds descend. Hope you are staying far away from the fires my friends.
