Sunday, August 9, 2015

Hiawatha Trail

Charlie and I had an awesome adventure...... a 15 mile bike ride on an old railroad bed thru an absolutely beautiful wilderness.  It is a small part of a total 73 miles of bike trail on old railroad right of ways. 

The best part was it was all downhill :-)  The grade was about 1.5 percent, so you could almost literally coast... I shouldn't tell you that secret, and you'd be much more impressed with our adventure.
Nevertheless, it felt like quite an accomplishment to me.... took us about 3 hours.... we stopped a lot to look at the scenery.

The trail starts a couple of miles below Lookout Pass, which is the Montana/Idaho border. The area is really remote and rugged..... a wonderful experience.  Went through  10 tunnels (longest was 1.7 miles), and across 7 trestles. They provided headlamps for the tunnels.

Unfortunately, Vera couldn't go.... she wasn't really "uninvited", but we all recognize that her balance on a bike is rather "marginal".  So she stayed with the dogs and coach.

looooong trestles

and high

this is looking down on the next trestle we will cross below us

Idaho is awesome !   Right now we are in Coeur D'Alene.  Tonight we go on a sunset dinner cruise on Lake Coeur D'Alend.

More later, Marilyn


  1. I am impressed even if you had coasted all the way. Going down hill can be tricky. But my question is how did you get back to the top?
    Miss you girls.

  2. Someone should have got Vera a buddy seat, for heaven's sake. LOL
