Thursday, September 10, 2015


I think the earthly heaven must be Banff.  The most beautiful place yet

Moraine Lake

our motorhome, and our front window view
.The towns of Banff and Lake Louise are literally surrounded by magnificent peaks:

  My lungs are going crazy with all this FRESH AIR.

Lake Louise     a little chilly
We are all on sensory overload ! These flatland country girls have our mouths hanging open.
We actually pushed the limit on the season to arrive here. Most travel tips say to be OUT of Canada by the end of Labor Day.  So.... here we are :-)  You'd think we would have learned our lesson when we went to New York for Christmas.
But, the low has only been about 32, 33..... but the great side of it is the kids are all back in school, the crowds have diminished significantly, and the campground prices have fallen back to their off season.

We can't be out and about as much because of the chill..... and one really great (short) hike we were looking forward to is all snowed in.  It is called Sunshine Meadow, a fairly flat meadow at 7100 feet elevation, between 2 peaks..... and they shuttle you up to it so you can walk around and see the views.  But its got a couple feet of snow. Oh well. 

More later, Marilyn

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