Tuesday, September 1, 2015

most beautiful spot

I explained to you once before my fascination with the Lewis & Clark expedition..... so being able be in the spots where they were, and to see what they saw was really thrilling for me.

From the continental divide (Lolo Pass) near Missoula, Montana, the explorers crossed down into Idaho and found Native Americans who helped them.  They found the headwaters of the Clearwater River, built more canoes, and were "off for the ocien" again.
The Clearwater joined the Snake River, which came through the southern part of Idaho; then the Snake joins the Columbia in southeastern Washington State. As the Columbia moves west it cuts through what is now called The Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area. It's only about 150 miles from the Pacific, and fairly near Portland, OR.

 My most beautiful spot so far in our travels.  We took a paddlewheel boat trip down a portion of The Gorge, to see it from "an adventurers perspective".
As you can see, the freeway runs right along beside the river.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my stars...I am getting so envious. I can't believe the pictures. Absolutely makes me want to be there they are so beautiful. And that is a weak description. Breathtakeing would be more appropriate. Glad you are having fun and enjoying sightseeing. Stay away from the fires.
