Thursday, March 10, 2011

Manatees in Naples, FL.

They are really interesting, almost as big as an elephant, gentle, eat only sea grasses, and area always searching for a warm spot (they don't survive in cold water).  Also saw a family of dolphins chasing a school of fish ..... and we saw MANY alligators alongside the freeway that cuts thru the middle of the everglades.
It's called alligator alley... for good reason.  The everglades is a vast sea of grasses growing in water, so to build the freeway they dredged a canal on each side and piled the dirt up for the roadway.  So at the edge of the canal, along the edge of the grasses, are MANY alligators (trust me), for MANY miles .... and more miles.
So, because they have cut the everglades in two, every 500 feet they provided a large culvert so the wildlife can go from one side to the other. On one roadway we even saw blinking signs that said "Warning, Panther crossing next five miles".   Inhospitable is the word.  Don't have a flat tire.... I doubt Triple A would come.

I have been watercoloring fast and furious to catch up with my Florida pictures, since we will be leaving for Houston in a couple of weeks.  We've been here so long we almost feel like a local.

Later, Marilyn

1 comment:

  1. Hip Hip Hooray! You're coming home. Do I need to make reservations at El Gallo?

    Are you all getting alligator shoes and purses?
