Sunday, March 6, 2011

a mountain of sugar

We visited an orange processing plant, and a sugar cane mill and refinery.  They are both really BIG operations ... quite interesting! 
The orange juice is stored in huge tanks kinda remind me of our oil storage tanks only taller and smaller around.  Then it is shipped out in tanker trucks to the different brand companies who package it with their own labels .... same juice.  Except one tidbit of information to watch out for: some companies mix juice from Brazil and other countries with the florida (or USA) juices; and those other countries do not have the same cleanliness standards we have (so they are cheaper) .... but it will tell you on the carton where the juices come from.
The sugar is "milled" into raw sugar crystals and stored in bulk form in HUGE warehouses, until an order is received from a company. Then the raw sugar is refined into the white stuff we know ... or brown sugar by adding molasses to it ...and shipped in bulk to the companies who will package it under their own brand (same stuff for all of it).  No kidding, our tour bus drove thru a warehouse that was 400 feet wide and 1170 feet long and the sugar was just piled to the ceiling almost ... just loose ... I mean we were driving right over it!   All I could think about was in a hurricane it sure would sweeten a lot of ocean!
Wish I could figure out how to get photos loaded into this blog!!

Later, Marilyn for the Three Travelers

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Travlers 3 (+4). Sounds like you are having a "sweet" time in Florida. My memory is not so good anymore, but I think one of you named Charlie has a birthday this month. If so, Happy Birthday and the Dayspring March birthdays are going to try to get to gether to go out to Dinner one night. Wish you could make it. (not El Gallo tho)
    Beth finished her Bible Study on James last night. Great study (as always).
    All is well in Dayspring. Just missing you girls. Love traveling with you on the blog.
