Wednesday, March 16, 2011

picking strawberries

We are in the Tampa area, very near Plant City (as in the Strawberry capital of the world).  Strawberries are at their very peak now and will be for another couple of weeks.  We see hundreds of day laborers picking berries in seemingly hundreds of fields along the roads and freeways; and we have eaten our share already.  But today Vera decided she wanted hand picked (you pick your own), so we went in search of a "U-pick" sign by the road.
Well, I got some good pictures of Charlie and Vera pickin' berries ...... they each picked two quarts .... and that was enough of the hand pickin'.  But they said they couldn't pass up the opportunity; and they were only fifty cents a quart with almost no waste.
Interesting, and sad, part of the story is we were told that all those laborers are paid only $1.50 per flat, which is eight quarts I think.   Really back breaking work for probably less than minimum wage.
Later, Marilyn

1 comment:

  1. Glad you girls are having fun. Thanks for keeping us updated on your happenings. Altho, this post has made me hungry for strawberry shortcake and chocolate covered strawberries. We are looking forward to your return. What night do you want to do El Gallo?
