Wednesday, April 13, 2011

bay 77, still waiting for a new bathtub

"In the bay" means many things:  free overnite stay, covered parking ..... and having to be out of your home all day long from 8am to 6pm while they work on it.

Yesterday "in the bay" we took the dogs with us in the car and ran errands and searched for remaining strawberry fields (all gone).
Today "in the bay" we left the dogs at daycare and drove down to Sarasota (one hour south of Tampa) to have lunch and do a little sightseeing along the coast.   Much more relaxing today.

But the people who are staying in the bays become our own little temporary community, walking the dogs, talking about what we're "in for" ..... 
Right now, we hold one record for sure:  our bathtub has been ordered 4 times, and came in wrong 3 times.
Got the right color and drain location this time.... just waiting on installation.

We will be glad to get on the road to Houston ... but right now that may not be before the weekend.


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