Thursday, April 28, 2011

sand plows in biloxi

Spent the night in Baton Rouge .... will be in Houston later today.
We saw something along the coast in Gulf Port, Pass Christian, Biloxi areas that is totally opposite to my former life experiences:   they were SAND plowing. Actually they were plowing sand off the roadways into furrows and scooping it up into dumptrucks -- I suppose taking it back to the beaches.
Where I come from they use dumptrucks to scatter sand on the roadways in icy weather; or, use plows to get snow off the roadways !!!
This was a very wierd concept for me to accept.
Furthermore, a campground security guard told us they do it all the time --- every day !   Wow, what an investment in city/government manpower.   I suppose there's no other way to "handle" mother nature; and of course, they are protecting their tourist appeal/investment.


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