Tuesday, April 5, 2011

concrete, hammer and an iron skillet

We accomplished our first real "handywoman" job today !!!  We bent the hinge on the bathroom door (by pulling the slide in while the door was in the open position) -- (not a good thing to do) ... so the bathroom door wouldn't close (not a good thing either).

Jump back about sixty years when I wanted to "help" my grandfather with his building or repair jobs (early indications of architectural interest) ...... he would give me nails to straighten. Being very frugal, he salvaged and reused nails, which were usually bent, but could be straightened with a hammer on the edge of a piece of concrete.

So..... straightening a hinge seemed similar ..... I just threw in the iron skillet for interest in the story (no, not really).  I wanted to straighten it all the way accross uniformly or else it might end up warped ... so the only heavy metal bar we could come close to was the iron skillet.  Worked perfectly, and the beautiful sound of the hammer on the iron skillet was just a bonus.

When we put the hinge back on and the door closed and latched perfectly; we did BIG high fives all around.

Still in Tampa waiting on the bathtub.

1 comment:

  1. Just don't take the skillet to your roomies. Does this mean the bathroom is back together? I hope so.
    I'm expecting to see lots of artwork when you finally get through here. Enjoyed seeing Charlie. Sounds like you are truly having the adventures you were looking forward to. Hope to see you soon.
