Monday, November 28, 2011

Back to the beginning

We are parked at Marina Village, a camping club located on Lake Livingston, where John and I purchased  a membership back in 1976.  It is still one of the most beautiful places (to me) that we've been.  Maybe it just seems like home or something. 
Big tall pine trees right along the shore, with all kinds of amenities (piers, docks, activity building with laundry, chapel in the pines, two swimming pools, hot tubs, club house with snack bar. It even has access to the adjacent subdivision's golf and restaurant facilites.  Now ask me how many of those things we use .... just the lake view. 
But there are only a few people here right now, maybe a dozen scattered around the entire place, so there is lots of space for the dogs to get excercise off leash, which they love.  Bugsy especially LOVES this place because it has a million squirrels.
The town of Trinity is only 3 or 4 miles away .... a nice little town: one or two good restaurants, a grocery ... has a Sonic AND a DQ!  But Vera got into a shopping mood, and had to travel probably 50 miles to the nearest mall (an Outlet Mall) down below Huntsville. 
Our little home on wheels is really looking like Christmas.... of course in a space so small, it only takes a few decorations to make a big difference.  But it does look nice ..... and right now.... Ms. Santa (Vera) is baking Christmas cookies in the convection oven.   MMMM-M !!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Bugsy's perspective

"Hey guys, we've been here before!" - Bugsy.  
I do wonder what the dogs think about all this traveling. Bugsy is always interested in the smells and looks out the windshield a lot. 
When we got back to Houston the last of October all three dogs immediately recognized the campground, and excitedly pulled us over to the dog park. 
Then today we arrived in Orange, TX, at the same campground and same parking site that we stayed in almost exactly one year ago.  Bugsy seemed really excited (he wanted out the instant we stopped) and he knew exactly the same walk route that we made when here before.
I think the other two dogs have designated him to be the scout/lookout and he reports to them about our destinations.

We'll be here visiting some of Charlie's friends thru Friday, then move up to Marina Village on Lake Livingston for about a week.
Everyone enjoy your turkey and remember how much we all have to be thankful for.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

THIS is retirement

It's been one year now since I retired; and we've been busy managing a full time travel itinerary.  Now .... all of a sudden, we're stopped with no real plans except to enjoy the holidays.  Notice I didn't say "with nothing to do" .... if you know Vera, Christmas is a BIG thing. 
But back to the point:  this is the first time I have felt the 'lack of a schedule' ... which fits my personal definition of being retired.  Kinda nice.  Probably this is in part due to there being such a stark contrast to the past month's extreme travels (Rome). Anyway, it is nice .... I am definitely VERY blessed.

So I'm alone here in the motorhome with the dogs this morning .... as everyone else went off to Doctor's appointments.  It's raining (and that's a very good thing). We have a nice view out over one of the large regional parks that the campground backs up to; so I'm just fiddling around - enjoying retirement.

I suppose that very soon (as soon as Vera gets to feeling better), we will get launched into the Christmas bustle full time; but for now, this is nice.   Well, just so you don't think Vera is slacking on the Christmas preparations .... I spent quite a bit of time yesterday hanging Christmas pictures.  I can see nine of them just sitting here at the computer.  I know that sounds like a lot .... (but remember it is a small, open space that we live in).  Actually, the ironical thing about all these Christmas pictures is that before the Christmas ones went up there were only three in the entire motorhome because "we didn't have any space for pictures".

I think I will go try to get some of our digital pictures out of the camera and onto a blog post for you.

Monday, November 14, 2011

wait, .... holidays?

Familiar and comfortable surroundings .... ah-h-h.  After 23 days away, it is nice to be back.  But wait ! what happened here? .... it's time for Thanksgiving already.

We have almost gotten our belongings reshuffled and put away.  Did 10 loads of laundry.

But the big news is that Vera is down in bed with a bad back.  By the time we got back Friday nite her back spasms were so bad she could barely walk, couldn't bend, couldn't do much of anything .... so I took her to the emergency room.  Bad news is she can't get an appointment with the Neurologist until Dec. 7th.

Later, Marilyn

Saturday, November 12, 2011

home sweet home

Back in Houston, in our home on wheels!  Had a wonderful time; but the rocking & rolling of the Atlantic crossing on the cruise ship got a little tiresome.  Our motorhome rolls very well; and thankfully no rocking.

I have pictures and much to tell ..... but we need to get our bags unpacked and our lives back in order.  The thing many people don't realize is our VERY LIMITED space ... for everything.  The normal packing chaos of a 3 week trip for 3 people would be something anyway .... but we don't have much space, and at least half of our clothing and belongings at any one time is in the 'basement' compartments underneath the motorhome in plastic storage bins. It really takes teamwork, cooperation and coordination.   At times we've even resorted to opening up a suitcase on the picnic table outside.  Like I said once before: we keep the campground neighbors entertained.

Today I spent a lot of time treating the motorhome with flea and tick powder before bringing the dogs back into it. The dogs are so-o-o-o glad to be back with us.  And yes Darlene, this time I treated Vera too :)

Later, Marilyn