Saturday, November 12, 2011

home sweet home

Back in Houston, in our home on wheels!  Had a wonderful time; but the rocking & rolling of the Atlantic crossing on the cruise ship got a little tiresome.  Our motorhome rolls very well; and thankfully no rocking.

I have pictures and much to tell ..... but we need to get our bags unpacked and our lives back in order.  The thing many people don't realize is our VERY LIMITED space ... for everything.  The normal packing chaos of a 3 week trip for 3 people would be something anyway .... but we don't have much space, and at least half of our clothing and belongings at any one time is in the 'basement' compartments underneath the motorhome in plastic storage bins. It really takes teamwork, cooperation and coordination.   At times we've even resorted to opening up a suitcase on the picnic table outside.  Like I said once before: we keep the campground neighbors entertained.

Today I spent a lot of time treating the motorhome with flea and tick powder before bringing the dogs back into it. The dogs are so-o-o-o glad to be back with us.  And yes Darlene, this time I treated Vera too :)

Later, Marilyn

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