Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Bugsy's perspective

"Hey guys, we've been here before!" - Bugsy.  
I do wonder what the dogs think about all this traveling. Bugsy is always interested in the smells and looks out the windshield a lot. 
When we got back to Houston the last of October all three dogs immediately recognized the campground, and excitedly pulled us over to the dog park. 
Then today we arrived in Orange, TX, at the same campground and same parking site that we stayed in almost exactly one year ago.  Bugsy seemed really excited (he wanted out the instant we stopped) and he knew exactly the same walk route that we made when here before.
I think the other two dogs have designated him to be the scout/lookout and he reports to them about our destinations.

We'll be here visiting some of Charlie's friends thru Friday, then move up to Marina Village on Lake Livingston for about a week.
Everyone enjoy your turkey and remember how much we all have to be thankful for.

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