Tuesday, November 22, 2011

THIS is retirement

It's been one year now since I retired; and we've been busy managing a full time travel itinerary.  Now .... all of a sudden, we're stopped with no real plans except to enjoy the holidays.  Notice I didn't say "with nothing to do" .... if you know Vera, Christmas is a BIG thing. 
But back to the point:  this is the first time I have felt the 'lack of a schedule' ... which fits my personal definition of being retired.  Kinda nice.  Probably this is in part due to there being such a stark contrast to the past month's extreme travels (Rome). Anyway, it is nice .... I am definitely VERY blessed.

So I'm alone here in the motorhome with the dogs this morning .... as everyone else went off to Doctor's appointments.  It's raining (and that's a very good thing). We have a nice view out over one of the large regional parks that the campground backs up to; so I'm just fiddling around - enjoying retirement.

I suppose that very soon (as soon as Vera gets to feeling better), we will get launched into the Christmas bustle full time; but for now, this is nice.   Well, just so you don't think Vera is slacking on the Christmas preparations .... I spent quite a bit of time yesterday hanging Christmas pictures.  I can see nine of them just sitting here at the computer.  I know that sounds like a lot .... (but remember it is a small, open space that we live in).  Actually, the ironical thing about all these Christmas pictures is that before the Christmas ones went up there were only three in the entire motorhome because "we didn't have any space for pictures".

I think I will go try to get some of our digital pictures out of the camera and onto a blog post for you.

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