Monday, March 12, 2012

the big day

Back in Houston RV campground for at least a week. 
Tomorrow is Vera's "big day" of vertigo treatment.
We have heard that "it" (the treatment) somehow is similar to a carnival ride of the worst sort .... but they are anticipating that it will work.  Something about the little crystals in the inner ear loops have gotten misplaced, and thru a series of unknown contortions ... they can be coaxed back into correct location.  This is of course a highly untechnical layman's description.
Anyway, we have hope ..... first that it will work, but second that Vera won't be "permanently damaged" by the process.

We have decided to stay around Texas for the next month or so until the hip replacement surgery on April 9th.  We will go do some of Texas Tourist things: 
San Antonio for a seniors regional badmitton tournament. We have five Galveston friends who are entered - they play {HARD} four days a week for an hour and a half.  It's not your grandmother's style - they go for blood.
Then up to the Hill Country for a while; then maybe over to Lake Livingston for a week or so, maybe over to Louisianna for a few days, just relax and bum around.
Our Arizona trip will be AFTER the hip replacement, sometime late spring/ early summer.

Meanwhile we are at our favorite campground .... which has a nice dog park and swimming pool ... which I plan to take advantage of.

Later, Marilyn

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